Dungeons & Dragons Random Character Generator

Channel Your Inner Alter-Ego (randomly!)

Role-Playing At It's Finest!

Tired of creating your own character? Too much role-playing within your role-playing game? Want to get started on your game sooner? The Dungeons & Dragons Random Character Generator is designed to eliminate wasting time and get to slaying dragons!

Let the Games Begin!

Persuasion, Stealth, Survival, the world is your oyster with these amazing skills!

Ability Scores: We randomly choose your ability scores to save time

Why Character Generation?

Personality is everything. Enhance game play by creating a dynamic character that delves into the fantastical world of D&D play. Your character will come alive and interact with other characters in a wide variety of character settings

If you’re a dungeon master running a game and want to fill the world with various characters, but don’t want to spend the time creating each individual character, this web application will solve that problem

Want to experience even more D&D fantasy?

We need your help! Our gameplay allows for humnaoid characters only. Future development may include advance features such as the ability to generate non-humanoid characters which creates even more variety for the ultimate fantasy gaming experience
